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Meet Dr. Gerald Whalen

Chiropractor Zionsville, Dr. Whalen
In practice since 1979, Dr. Whalen is passionate about helping patients.

I love getting that goose bump feeling that comes with releasing the powerful healing ability in another person. I love to help people change their lives.

Experiencing the Healing Benefits of Chiropractic

Growing up, Dr. Whalen would get colds several times a year and then develop a middle ear infection. When he was 15, he was put on antibiotics 3-4 times a year. As a result, he became antibiotic-resistant. “I then saw an ENT who took a needle through my eardrum to draw the fluid out. I thought if I coughed, sneezed or moved, I would be deaf.”

The ENT also took Dr. Whalen’s tonsils and adenoids out. Dr. Whalen then had a big growth spurt. Combined with that he had scoliosis. He developed low back pain, trying to play football and basketball. After being taken to an orthopedist, who took X-rays, Dr. Whalen was told that nothing could be done for him.

At the time, his aunt was going to a chiropractor. She suggested to Dr. Whalen’s mom that he see her chiropractor. “At the time, chiropractic wasn’t considered legitimate.” The chiropractor pressed on Dr. Whalen’s lower back. When he pressed on one particular spot, Dr. Whalen almost jumped off the stool. The doctor said, “See, it’s right there!” The chiropractor took X-rays, explained scoliosis to Dr. Whalen and then gave him an adjustment. “I got off the table and my pain was gone!”

Obtaining a Chiropractic Education

When he started college, Dr. Whalen hadn’t thought of becoming a chiropractor. That is until he visited Palmer College of Chiropractic when his brother Pat was there. “I sat in on an applied kinesiology class and saw muscle testing demonstrated. My eyes got big and I thought, ‘This is what I’m going to do.'” That’s when Dr. Whalen decided to enroll in chiropractic college.

Dr. Whalen earned his Doctor of Chiropractic from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. He’s currently the president of the International Chiropractic Association of Indiana.

Discovering the Neuro-emotional Technique

When he graduated from chiropractic college, Dr. Whalen wanted to take a holistic approach to patient care. What he had clinically available was more traditional structural chiropractic methodology. “I was frustrated at not having a clinical way to address people’s stress.”

After seeing an ad in a chiropractic periodical about the NET, which worked with emotions, he wanted to explore NET further. Dr. Whalen attended a NET seminar with the founder, Dr. Scott Walker. “I was blown away by what I learned.”

Dr. Whalen realized he could help his patients release the physical aspects of stress. He follows The Home Run Formula that Dr. Walker and his wife, Dr. Deborah Walker created together.

The formula works with structure, nutrition, homeopathy and emotional approach and uses a baseball diamond as a model for it. Dr. Deborah developed a 15-step process to administer NET, which is the foundational element of the therapy that’s used today. Dr. Whalen is certified in Level 2 of NET.

Outside the Practice

When he’s not in the office, Dr. Whalen likes spending time with his dog, Ralphie. Dr. Whalen also enjoys stretching and many forms of physical exercise. These include running, swimming, volleyball, bike riding, downhill and cross-country snow skiing.

Dr. Whalen enjoy reading to keep current with national and world event. Regarding nutrition, he strives for a diet with a high percentage of quality food (organic preferred).

Get Started Today

Take that first step toward optimal health. Contact Whalen Integrative Wellness Solutions to book an appointment.


Dr. Gerald Whalen | (317) 733-9630